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DOI 10.30792/2304-1838-2019-68-90


МИЯГАШЕВА Суржана Борисовна
Институт монголоведения, буддологии и тибетологии СО РАН,
Улан-Удэ, Россия

Несмотря на то, что материалы по шаманским родословным преданиям и легендам бурят нашли отражение в работах и публикациях многих исследователей, тем не менее, основной пласт шаманской генеалогии остается неизданным. Данная статья представляет собой обзор шаманских родословных, легенд и преданий шаманов хордутского племени на основе архивных материалов Центра восточных рукописей ИМБТ СО РАН.
Систематизация данных сведений позволило установить аспекты и механизмы шаманской наследственности, восстановить генеалогические древа предбайкальских шаманов, которые выступали своеобразным фактором идентификации шамана и определяли его статус и положение в обществе.
В работе дано этнографическое описание ритуально-обрядовых культов в честь хордутских шаманов, установлены мифические «корни» шаманской наследственности удха белых и черных хордутов Осинской, Унгинской и Идинской долины Иркутской области.
Ключевые слова: обусинские ахануты, шаманы Предбайкалья, архив ЦВРК ИМБТ СО РАН, шаманские захоронения.


MIYAGASHEVA Surzhana Borisovna
Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies
of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IMBTS SB RAS)
Ulan-Ude, Russia

Despite the fact that the materials on shamanic ancestry and legends of the Buryats are reflected in the works and publications of many researchers, however, the main layer of shamanic genealogy remains unpublished. In this regard, the article is a review of shamanic genealogies and legends of shamans of the khordut/khurdut. For this research we use of the archival materials of the Center of Oriental manuscripts and Xylographs of the Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies of the SB of the RAS.
The systematization of this information will allow to restore the family trees of pre-baikal shamans, who acted as a kind of factor of shaman’s identity and determined his status and position in society. In this regard, the study of shamanic bloodlines and their reconstruction acquires obvious relevance and timeliness.
A distinctive feature of Buryat shamanism was the institution of «election», according to which a necessary condition for the acquisition of shamanic gift was shamanic heredity udha, belonging to the shaman family (genealogical clan). The khorduts were a shaman clan of Mongol origin, who had two shamanic udha of black and white. Probably black shamans are the priests of «foreign» clans, subordinated or incorporated into the composition of certain tribal groups of Buryats.
The article presents an ethnographic description of ritual worship in honor of khordut shamans. The article contains shamanic legends about the most prominent representatives of this shamanic clan-shamans who were revered among the Buryats of the Osa, Unga and Ida valleys of the Irkutsk region. The Western Buryats respectfully called them obusiin elders and annually performed rites in honor of their veneration at the burial places of shamans.
The shamanic genealogy of the pre-baikal Buryats is a certain code of identification of the shamanic election and plays an important role in its
Keywords: obusiin elders, shamans, the Center of Oriental manuscripts and xylographs, shamanic burial.